

Keep me informed

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May indicate the onset of an illness Image

May indicate the onset of an illness

Discover baseline day and night temperature fluctuations, which may indicate the onset of an illness or other health condition, and boost your ability to manage performance and recovery via workout temperature variation zones.

Perform a medical-grade electrocardiogram Image

Perform a medical-grade electrocardiogram

Receive heart health notifications that may direct you to take an on-demand electrocardiogram to detect atrial fibrillation.*

Assess part of the respiratory system Image

Assess part of the respiratory system

Gain peace of mind with on-demand blood oxygen, plus track overnight breathing disturbances as well as average blood oxygen during sleep.

Withings App

Make the most of your health data

Withings devices provide leading-edge, accurate data that syncs directly to the Withings app. You get a clear picture of your health with easy to understand, detailed analysis.


* Clinically evaluated ECG, available via Withings Scan Monitor.

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