Heart health.
Get informed and take action

Withings and the World Heart Federation have teamed up to help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Get informed and take action—for yourself and for those you love.

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Hypertension 101

Your heart is a muscle that contracts about 2.5 billion times over an average lifetime without ever taking a day off. If your circulatory system is under too much strain, the heart muscle needs to increase its efforts. This condition is called hypertension, and an estimated 1 in 3 people have it. It is the most common cause of cardiovascular disease. The good news is—it is often preventable.

Left ventricular hypertrophy:

Common in people who have uncontrolled high blood pressure, this condition thickens the walls of your heart's main pumping chamber. The result is an enlarged heart that can lose the ability to pump with proper force.

Atrial fibrillation:

People who have high blood pressure are at a higher risk for atrial fibrillation (AFib), an anomaly of the heart’s electrical activity, which is often asymptomatic. AFib may lead to stroke, heart failure and cognitive decline.

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Coronary heart disease:

Hypertension may contribute to coronary artery disease, also called ischemic heart disease, a frequent complication in hypertensive patients. Under too much strain, the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart can become too narrow, reducing blood flow in the heart.

Valvular heart disease:

This condition, in which one or more of your four heart valves doesn't work properly, is thought to be linked with elevated blood pressure.

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One-third of people who have high blood pressure don’t know it.

Take deep breaths

Deep breathing for as little as 10 minutes a day can help to lower blood pressure.

When sleep matters

Each hour of reduced sleep corresponds to a 37% increase in the likelihood of hypertension.

Home blood pressure monitoring is highly recommended

Tracking your blood pressure at home with an approved device is recommended by the American Heart Association and European Society for Hypertension, and may be key to managing hypertension.

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Cardiovascular diseases: screening matters

As many cardiovascular issues such as hypertension, atrial fibrillation or valvular heart disease have no symptoms in the early stages, knowing your risk factors and early detection are key.

10 years

Aortic stenosis, the most common primary valve disease in Europe and North America, may be latent for more than 10 years before the onset of severe symptoms.

Circulation Journal


Those with untreated atrial fibrillation have 5 times the risk of stroke. Appropriate medical treatment can lower this risk by 70 to 80%.

The Framingham Heart Study

20 years

Screening for coronary artery disease including cholesterol, blood pressure and BMI should begin at age 20.

The American Heart Association

Discover the WHF recommendations to protect your cardiac health in Partnership with Withings


The keys to peace of mind

Detect and help prevent serious heart complications—or be reassured and move on with your day—with the right tools.

Make heart-healthy choices today

Good news: 80% of premature heart attacks and strokes can be prevented. A few changes to your daily routine can strengthen your heart today and protect your cardiac health for a lifetime.

Med tech that gets you on the right track

Withings medical-grade devices help you keep on top of your vital parameters and guide you with personalized advice.

Move ECG

The world’s first analog watch to record a medical-grade ECG—anytime, anywhere—with a proprietary algorithm that analyzes data for signs of AFib.

BPM Connect

This Wi-Fi blood pressure monitor provides medically accurate blood pressure and heart rate measurements with immediate feedback on the device and full history in the app.

BPM Core

Our most advanced device uses Wi-Fi and provides medically accurate blood pressure and heart rate, provides a medical-grade ECG and features a digital stethoscope to detect valvular heart disease, to give you a more complete assessment of your cardiac health.

Why Withings ?

With 10 years of expertise, Withings is the world leader in connected health, thanks to thoughtful design and thorough systematic clinical testing.

Ease of use

At Withings, we pride ourselves on putting the user experience first. Withings devices are easy to install, boast an incredible battery life, and use Wi-Fi so you can spend time managing your health, not a device.


Every Withings product is clinically tested. When applicable, we aim for CE Medical and FDA approval to ensure you can trust the products’ readings of medical metrics.

Best-in-class privacy

Privacy by design: we use banking-grade encryption methods—and Withings employees cannot access identifiable personal health data without user consent.
