通过注册,您同意接收来自 Withings 的广告电子邮件。不过,如果您改变主意,您可以随时取消订阅。*折扣适用于在收到代码后的 30 天内至少购买 100 欧元(不包括 ScanWatch Nova 和 ScanWatch Nova Brilliant)的任何产品。仅在 withings.com 有效,且数量有限。此优惠仅适用于首次购买。这些优惠不可合并。
多频生物电阻抗分析 (BIA)。身体成分指标,具有最高的精确度。
Withings 拥有完整的设备生态系统,提供全面的洞察力,让您全面了解自己的健康。此外,它与您所有喜爱的应用程序兼容。
Withings 坚持最高的隐私标准,包括符合 GDPR 的要求和额外的安全措施,以保护您的所有健康数据。
Withings+ 将健康追踪提升到一个新水平——通过对您的测量进行深入分析,根据您的数据提供个性化指导,并提供多种程序帮助您养成更好的习惯。
Withings products can easily be connected to Apple Watch, Apple Health, Health Connect, or other health and fitness apps.
与多个用户分享您的 Withings 体重秤,无论他们的健康旅程处于何种阶段。
50 g
50 g
50 g
体重和体重指数 Wi-Fi 电子秤
100 g
身体成分和心率测量 Wi-Fi 智能电子秤
100 g
身体成分 Wi-Fi 电子秤
100 g
1通过 Body Scan 上的 ECG 监测器
屡获殊荣的Withings智能体重秤是全球第一。 If you’re looking to buy the best smart scale, look no further than Withings. Withings invented the smart scale, and nearly 15 years later, we continue to innovate. Known globally for our award-winning design, Withings offers durable, innovative, and easy-to-use smart scales that help people reach their healthy body weight and BMI goals. All Withings smart scales feature Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity*. From weight loss and management to helping people achieve their lean body mass target, Withings smart scales provide advanced features including body weight and BMI, full body composition (including body fat percentage, body water, bone mass, and muscle mass), and heart rate. Data from every weigh-in automatically syncs to your smartphone via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi with the free Withings app, available for iOS and Android. Equipped with position control, Withings Wi-Fi scales use bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) or multi-frequency BIA, making Withings smart scales accurate for estimating your fat-free mass and full body composition. Some Withings scales can measure body fat and assess visceral fat. Withings Body Scan offers segmental body composition via the handle, assessing different body parts individually. Some Withings smart scales can even assess the function of the sweat glands in your feet, providing deeper insights into your health. Special modes on Withings smart scales help with healthy weight gain and tracking during pregnancy. There’s also a Baby Mode to help after delivery. With Baby Mode, the smart scale can help any caretaker easily track the baby’s weight just by holding them. For athletes, there’s a mode to better track body composition, and for those who want to track their weight over time without seeing the number, there’s the Eyes-Closed Mode. Withings smart scales also provide life-friendly features. Thanks to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, you can get a daily local weather report every time you step on the scale, plus the previous day’s step count and even local air quality results. The newest model scales—Body Smart, Body Comp, and Body Scan—now offer easy-to-read, high-resolution color screens. With many Withings smart scales, you can go beyond weight loss management and take control of your heart health with heart rate information every time you weigh in. Body Cardio was the first, and now Body Comp and Body Scan also provide a Vascular Age metric to help you know the health of your arteries. Depending on your region, you might also have Pulse Wave Velocity metrics, the basis for the Vascular Age metric. Body Scan, another smart scale by Withings, also provides a 6-lead ECG during weigh-in via the handle. Each Withings smart scale also accommodates up to 8 user profiles, so the whole family can track their health daily. In the highly-rated Withings app, smart scale users can set goals, find motivation, join programs, and more while enjoying unlimited storage of their health metrics. The Withings app also allows wireless smart scale users to connect to hundreds of partner health apps including Apple Health, Google Fit, Whoop, Weight Watchers, LoseIt, and Runkeeper to get the most out of your training and help you reach your goals. Withings+ provides a way for Withings app users to go further with their data via an optional paid subscription, accessing missions, videos, and a vast library of content to get the most out of your training and help you reach your goals. 注意:从2017年6月到2018年9月,Withings智能体重秤以诺基亚品牌销售。 *一些Withings秤在通过Withings健康解决方案提供时,提供蜂窝连接。 The best smart scales by Withings are accurate, easy to read and use, and designed to integrate seamlessly into your daily life. Whether you need to measure body fat, track your body weight and BMI, or manage your health over time, Withings smart scales provide reliable data you can trust. With the ability to sync data via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, multiple user profiles, and an easy-to-read display, Withings makes the best smart scales for achieving your health and wellness goals.
通过注册,您同意接收来自 Withings 的广告电子邮件。不过,如果您改变主意,您可以随时取消订阅。*折扣适用于在收到代码后的 30 天内至少购买 100 欧元(不包括 ScanWatch Nova 和 ScanWatch Nova Brilliant)的任何产品。仅在 withings.com 有效,且数量有限。此优惠仅适用于首次购买。这些优惠不可合并。