Connected Health

A day with

See how easy it is to enjoy the benefits of smart devices to reach your health goals—every day.

Smart wake-up

Rise and Shine

Scanwatch vibrates in silence to gently wake you without disturbing any guests.

Discover  Scanwatch Rose Gold
Scanwatch Rose Gold | Withings

Smart Wake-Up means the alarm can go off before 7AM if in light sleep, for a smoother experience.

Withings app | Withings
Withings App | Withings

Body composition

Weigh to go.

Step on Body+ for weight, weight trends, and body composition—plus a weather report to help you plan ahead.

Discover  Body+
Body+ | Withings

The patented Body+ Body Composition feature tracks fat, bone, water, and muscle mass. Also get relevant data like weather, yesterday's steps, and more.

Withings app | Withings
Withings App | Withings

Sleep Score

Coffee, tea & Zzz

An under-the-mattress sleep tracking mat can tell where you stand and how to improve.

Discover  Sleep Analyzer
Sleep Analyzer | Withings

Sleep Score is computed using multiple data points to synthesize the quality of your nights.

Withings app | Withings
Withings App | Withings


Get up & Go

Whether you walk, run for the bus, or hop on a bike, Workout Mode tracks it all.

Discover  Scanwatch
Scanwatch | Withings

Workout Mode harnesses the GPS in your phone to complement motion and heart rate data with route tracking.

Withings app | Withings
Withings App | Withings

Smart notification

Meet & greet

Get notified of upcoming meetings—right on your watch.

Discover  Scanwatch
Scanwatch | Withings

Smart notification lets you choose exactly what app notifications you want to be shown.

Withings app | Withings
Withings App | Withings

Health insights

Lunch & Learn

Notifications about high or low resting heart rate keep you in-the-know.

Withings algorithms analyze your health data to give you useful and personalized health insights when relevant.

Withings app | Withings
Withings App | Withings

ECG Measurment

Keep up the rhythm

Feeling something? Make sure your heart is OK.

Discover  Scanwatch
Scanwatch | Withings

ScanWatch can take a medical-grade ECG measurement to detect AFib and share with your cardiologist.

Withings app | Withings
Withings App | Withings



If someone isn’t feeling so hot, check to see if they're too hot.

Discover  Thermo
Thermo | Withings

All you need is one Thermo to track the whole family's temperature.

Withings app | Withings
Withings App | Withings

Blood pressure monitor

Under pressure?

Need to decrease the salt, move more, or keep on a healthy eating plan? Color-coded advice instantly shows where you stand.

Discover  BPM Connect
BPM Connect | Withings

Track blood pressure trends to stay on top of your health or check the efficacy of treatment.

Withings app | Withings
Withings App | Withings

Sleep tracking

That's a wrap

Get into bed and get automatic sleep tracking.

Discover  Sleep Analyzer

Sleep Analyzer monitors your vitals and computes data for in-depth analytics.

Withings app | Withings
Withings App | Withings

Connected health

A day with

See how easy it is to use Withings devices day and night to track your vitals and get actionable insights to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

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